Three New Rural Alternative Schools

In the last quarter of 2018, PASO Colombia developed three new Rural Alternative Schools (ERA) in the border region with Venezuela, closing the year with 9 of these schools fully established and one of them in the process of consolidation.

In the last quarter of 2018, PASO Colombia developed three new Alternative Rural Schools (ERA) in the border region with Venezuela, closing the year with 9 of these schools fully established and one of them in the process of consolidation. These ERAs, together with the Collaborative Commercial Alliances (ACC) that are promoted there, have generated 1,123 jobs, as well as USD 11.5 million in product sales, whose profits will be distributed among the beneficiary social organizations. These alliances include an agreement between the multinational Illy Café and cooperatives of farmers and ex-combatants valued at USD $11,300,000, to buy coffee above market prices, benefiting 890 producer families during the following five years. Other productive chains that have been articulated in these alliances include: chili, cocoa, higuerilla and sacha inchi.

Philippines, Arauca

In the Philippines, Arauca, the ERA is supporting 80 people in the sacha inchi production process, building a 500 m2 solar dryer and providing training and technical assistance for the almond transformation process. To reduce the production costs of sacha inchi and other crops, the ERA also supports the production of organic fertilizer through training, infrastructure improvement and providing the first contributions to start production. In addition to this commercial undertaking, the ERA will contribute to strengthening the breeding and cultivation of other products aimed at achieving food self-sufficiency in the area.

La Paz, Caesar

The ERA of La Paz, Cesar, began operations with 40 participants. In partnership with the World Food Program, this ERA supports vegetable farming to be sold to the region's School Feeding Program. The ERA provided the first seeds, seedlings, irrigation infrastructure, training, and technical assistance throughout the entire production and marketing process.

Fonseca, Guajira

In Fonseca, La Guajira, the ERA supports the rearing of 400 laying hens in a semi-grazing system. The protein source to produce the feed for these hens will be grown in the ERA to minimize dependence on external supplies. PASO will provide the first seeds, fertilizers and infrastructure, as well as training and technical assistance for the feeding and cultivation process.

Successful National Model

The ten ERAs that operate at the national level are developed in collaboration with 34 social and government organizations, universities, banks, production companies, associations of peasants and ex-combatants, who contribute with land, capital, training, technical assistance, workforce and markets. The collaborative platform model that combines productive and training efforts to support the enterprises of peasants and ex-combatants is a social innovation that has proven to be an effective way to build sustainable peace and promote development in places where the presence of the State and private investment It is very weak. Due to its organic and flexible nature, the model has been able to evolve, adapting to the specific needs of each of the territories and communities involved, and has been recognized as a replicable experience in international forums such as the Build Peace Conference and the Concordia Summit of the Americas .